Thursday, June 18, 2009


With all the excitement surrounding the UK basketball program and the wild predictions of a national title this year there is one very big question that we as fans need to ask ourselves. Are we setting ourselves up for disappointment?

Please don't get me wrong. I'm as excited as anyone, but I believe the current predictions and expectations are unrealistic. Yes, I think we will have a much improved team next year. I believe by the end of the year we will be one of the ten best teams in the country. The expectation that this team is a lock for the final four is just plain ludicrous.

Anyone can see that this team is loaded with talent, but talent does not always mean there will be success. When a team is as young as this current UK team there are a few factors that can prevent the success that is expected.

First of all, the step from high school basketball to college basketball is huge. An incoming freshmen has to overcome the realism of being the best player on the floor in his high school career to playing with and against players of equal or better talent in college. Sometimes this proves to much to overcome.

Another obstacle that can throw a wrench in huge expectations is the fact that there is no guarantee that the talent that has been assembled will gel as a team. This has proven to be a huge downfall of many talented teams over the years.

As I stated before, I'm as excited as anyone, but I just feel that we as UK fans need to reign in the expectations that are being heaped upon this team. It is great to be excited about UK basketball becoming relevant again, but please be careful not expect too much from this young, but talented team.

Let me know your thoughts!!!

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